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Organic Matters Foundation
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What We Do

Empowering Education - Sustainable Farming - Strong Communities

Everything we do at Organic Matters Foundation (OMF) is underpinned by the belief that investing in people, strengthening communities and protecting the environment go hand-in-hand.

By giving the people in greatest need access to information we take for granted, we empower them to make more informed choices and in doing so help themselves, their community and the environment.

So what do we do?


OMF operates on the ethics of Permaculture being:

Earth Care – People Care – Fair Share

We enhance the care of the people through the growth of communities and growth of nutrient dense foods that improve health and wellness. We empower farmers to move towards a more regenerative model of land management without fear of lower yields or price. We support farmers to remove chemicals out of their ecology, transferring practical skills that can be implemented at low cost or, where possible, for free.

That’s what makes your donations so important.

Research is showing that regenerative farming practices:

  • Increase a crop’s ability to withstand and recover from drought, cyclone or flood

  • Improve moisture retention in the soil

  • Increase overall yields and food nutrition levels and the soil’s ability to absorb carbon

  • Enable a wider variety of food to be locally produced


All this means a more reliable, generous, affordable, sustainable and nutritious food supply for the communities we work alongside with.

We develop education programs in consultation with local groups, thereby strengthening existing communities


Organic Matters Foundation partners with Australian and South Pacific groups and individuals to develop programs that directly address their local needs and challenges. Together we create culturally appropriate learning experiences that transfer regenerative and ecological agriculture to those most in need.


We improve the environment by returning balance to the local ecology


Soil School educates about the symbiotic relationship between plants and soil biology. Chemical agriculture has been associated with land degradation, loss of species diversity, loss of biological activity and lower nutrient density in our food. Our farming approach ensures nature is treated with respect as a precious resource.

We teach practical methods of farming that can be implemented anywhere


During Soil School, we get into it all. Local ecosystems, farm planning, soil health, soil biology, nitrogen cycles, composting techniques and recipes using local resources to produce fertilisers and soil conditioners.

We are a conduit for the delivery of information and funding to communities across Australia and the South Pacific


None of this would be possible without funding from Australian and international charitable bodies.


The majority of these sources require that projects in the South Pacific region are conducted through an Australian or international non-government organisation (NGO) with responsibility for managing finances, monitoring progress and reporting outcomes.


By partnering with South Pacific groups we open their access to the necessary funding for community improvement projects, educational programs and ongoing support.

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